Journal of Community Empowerment for Health (ISSN 2655-0164 (online); ISSN 2654-8283 (print); abbreviated key-title: J. Community Empowerment Health) is a national, open access, multidisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal. The Indonesian community is this journal's focus, and we welcome other contributions from the other community worldwide.
Published three times a year on research topics about community empowerment as its main scope. This include:
- Community empowerment
- Rural community health which includes: health care, social medicine, epidemiology, community service, medical anthropology, occupational medicine
- Health multidisciplinary approach
- Community-based education
- Health promotion
- Disaster response
Submitting to the journal
JCOEMPH uses an online submission and peer review platform, which allows authors to track the progress of their manuscript and enables shorter processing times. Only submissions made through this platform are accepted, with submitting authors required to create a JCOEMPH account. Manuscripts submitted by any other means are automatically discarded. For more information on our submission system, please refer to the Author Guidelines.

JCOEMPH has been reaccredited! |
We're pleased to announce that JCOEMPH has been accredited by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia with SINTA Score 3 from Volume 4 Issue 3 (2021) until Volume 9 Issue 2 2026, Decree No. 79/E/KPT/2023, valid until 2026. (Download the announcement here) | |
Posted: 2023-05-11 | |
Nomor ISSN (print): 2654-8283 Nomor ISSN (online): 2655-0164
Posted: 2018-12-06 | |
More Announcements... |
Vol 7, No 3 (2024)
Table of Contents
Original Research Articles
Sri Mulyani, Kadek Dewi Cahyani, Desy Listyaningrum, Aisyah Iffah Ulayya
Ratih Wirapuspita Wisnuwardani, Iriyani K, Nastitie Cinintya Nurzihan, Riezfian Raditya Susanto, Nurul Afiah
Tri Nugraha Susilawati, Anestasia Darmastuti Ismanta, Clarisca Calcafiorentina Bernarda, Farah Fauziah Nandyantami, Farhan Hilmy, Kevyn Basaria, Muhammad Haqin Nazili, Nuuriyah 'Ulwiyah, Sarah Zahida, Yanika Tiara Nugraha, Zulfi Azam Adiby
Guardian Yoki Sanjaya, Dini Prasetyawati, Rio Aditya Pratama, Vivi Ninda Sutriana, Lutfan Lazuardi, Mohammad Yusuf Setiawan, Beni Mulyadi Sutaryana, Titi Supriati
Elisabeth Siti Herini, Agung Triono, Kristy Iskandar, Ashadi Prasetyo, Albaaza Nuady, Marissa Leviani Hadiyanto, Kania Diantika, Veronica Wulan Wijayanti, Rais Aliffandy Damroni, Avianti Paramastuti
Rizka Fakhriani, Ana Medawati
Deoni Daniswara, Asti Widuri, Rizka Fakhriani, Adnan Abdullah
Asti Widuri, Deoni Daniswara, Camelia Herdini
Review Articles
Yuliana Yuliana
Akifa Laila Rusyda