
Issue Title
Vol 5, No 3 (2022) Implementation of the SMart-Punakawan COVID-19: Empowering communities and families against COVID-19 Abstract  PDF  PDF
Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Bulan Kakanita Hermasari, Sri Anggarini Parwatiningsih, Sri Mulyani, Hartono Hartono, Lely Tri Pangesti
Vol 7, No 2 (2024) Implementation of Binaan Inovatif Sehat Mandiri Aktif (BIMA): a community resilience program for COVID-19 at Griya Lare Utami Bantul Abstract  PDF
Yayu Nidaul Fithriyyah, I Made Moh. Yanuar Saifudin, Hersinta Retno Martani, Fajar Arumningtyas, Gaviota Khalish, Aviria Ermamilia, Ipang Fitria Wanti, Khudazi Aulawi, Haryani Haryani, Anita Kustanti
Vol 6, No 1 (2023) Analysis of blood donors’ characteristics during third-peak COVID-19 in Bojonegoro Regency, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
siti - nurkasanah
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Barrier to health protocol adherence during exercise among youth in the COVID-19 pandemic era Abstract  PDF
Fitrawan Silvano, Amila Yashifa, Daniel Simada Pandapotan Saragih, Claudia Gunawan, Aningdyanungtias Inas Wuragil, Resa Paksi Mandariska, Supriyati Supriyati
Vol 5, No 3 (2022) COVID-19 and health behaviors of the vulnerable group in the disaster-prone area:a case study of volcano-prone Merapi, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Diah Setyawati Dewanti, Romi Bhakti Hartarto
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Ocular involvment of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A systematic review of conjunctival swab results Abstract  PDF
Indra Tri Mahayana, Natalia Christina Angsana, Muhammad Zhafran Ayyasy, Anastasya Sondang Hutajulu, Suhardjo Suhardjo
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Implementation of e-SEKOCI (The Online Class of Sekolah Komplementer Cinta Ibu) in counselling midwives and pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Rizka Ayu Setyani, Sumardiyono Sumardiyono
Vol 6, No 2 (2023) Pregnancy-related Complications in Relation with Delivery Complication in Urban Public Health Center in 2019-2020: an Analytic Comparative Study Abstract  PDF
Abiyyu Didar Haq, Cut Warnaini, Muhammad Rizkinov Jumsa, Deasy Irawati
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Current prevalence, characteristics, and comorbidities of patients with COVID-19 in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Dionita Rani Karyono, Anggi Lukman Wicaksana
Vol 5, No 3 (2022) Development of an emergency volunteer-based call center for COVID-19 within the university setting Abstract  PDF
Hayu Qaimamunazzala
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 School reopening: Evidence-based recommendations during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Raden Yuli Kristiyanto, Lily Chandra, Hermawan Hanjaya, Mohamad Saifuddin Hakim, Dian Kesumapramudya Nurputra
Vol 5, No 2 (2022) Applications of smartphone-based in improving self-management of non-communicable disease: Literature review Abstract  PDF
Rizkiyani Istifada, Muhammad Asnoer Laagu
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19 and impacts on medical education: a systematic review Abstract  PDF
Kelly Kelly, Lie Rebecca Yen Hwei, Gilbert Sterling Octavius
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Improving pregnancy care during the COVID-19 pandemic for pregnant women as vulnerable groups through assistance at the primary health care facility Abstract  PDF
Muhamad Jauhar, Kurniati Puji Lestari
Vol 7, No 2 (2024) The drive-through COVID-19 vaccination in Yogyakarta Abstract  PDF
Lukman Ade Chandra, Hera Nirwati, Ika Puspitasari, Ajib Dibtyanusa, Sutono Sutono, Bayu Fandi Achmad, Intan Fatah Kumara, Rukmono Siswishanto
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Retinal involvement of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A systematic review Abstract  PDF
Mohammad Eko Prayogo, Angela Nurini Agni
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Perceptions of a COVID-19 education public service announcement in Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan: a qualitative study Abstract  PDF
Tiara Putri Leksono, Avinindita Nura Lestari, Reyfal Khaidar, Yuga Putri Pramesti, Syarmila Sari, Lutfan Lazuardi
Vol 7, No 1 (2024) Leprosy Health Promotion during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Tri Rahayu, Anindita Wicitra, Yeni Dwi Lestari, Yunia Irawati, Anna Puspitasari Bani, Gitalisa Andayani, Made Susiyanti, Hisar Daniel, Sitha Anisa Puspitasari
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 A review of Internet-based approaches for health promotion programs related to the COVID-19 pandemic and wellness education Abstract  PDF
Carissa Wityadarda, Gusti Ayu Sinta Deasy Andani, Rina Rostarina
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on sub-urban society in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A qualitative study Abstract  PDF
Bayu Fandhi Achmad, Shalmannuary Nisya Allquarismy, Siska Pratiwi, Yohannes Aruna Kertiyasa, Dewanggani Kirana, Dhyanti Mutiasari, Vineshankar Ravichandar, Yosafat Budiharjo Santoso Simanungkalit, Dionisia Setya, Farah Nabila Firry, Syaiful Ghozali, Wahida Yuyun Suciati
Vol 5, No 3 (2022) Reducing symptoms severity in patient with COVID-19 and post COVID-19 patient using the Sujok Triorigin Therapy (STT) through community empowerment Abstract  PDF
Ade Sutrimo, Intansari Nurjannah, Deddy Nur Wachid Achadiono, Janatin Hastuti, Azam David Saifullah, Ina Laela Abdillah, Rafialdo Arifian, Nabila Putri Irenda, Ajeng Wita Astri Devica Puri, Wulan Fitrianingrum, Pius Bonaventura Ado, Indah Fajar Destantika
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 COVID-19 eye infection: recommendations for ophthalmologist and patients Abstract  PDF
Datu Respatika, Indra Tri Mahayana, Dwi Puspita, Guiddo Ilyasa, Agus Supartoto
Vol 5, No 1 (2022) Public acceptance of banana leaf-filtered cloth masks as an alternative for medical masks Abstract  PDF
Mohamad Saifudin Hakim, Fitra Duhita, Mumtihana Muchlis, Rita Dian Pratiwi
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 User acquisition and profile of COVID-19’s health education website: a descriptive study Abstract  PDF
Avinindita Nura Lestari, Tiara Putri Leksono, Reyfal Khaidar, Ekky Novriza Alam, Lutfan Lazuardi
Vol 6, No 2 (2023) Increasing Knowledge In The Health Protocol Of Covid-19 Prevention With Health Education In Boarding Schools Abstract  PDF
Ikbal Fradianto, Djoko Priyono, Nita Arisanti Yulanda, Arief Andriyanto
Vol 5, No 1 (2022) Development of the elderly health monitoring system through families and community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Anggi Lukman Wicaksana, Firdaus Hafidz, Putri T Rosha, Annisa Ryan Susilaningrum, Anisah Ramadhani
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Relationship between anxiety and insomnia in clinical clerkship students during COVID-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Maria Sekartaji, Resty Puspita Sari, Muhammad Irsan, Muhammad Adnan, Labitta Pachira Aquaira, Shabrina Rifka Farahiya, Firdaus Hafidz
Vol 5, No 2 (2022) Suicide trends during COVID-19 pandemic in Gunungkidul, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
F A Nurdiyanto, Valendra Granitha Shandika Puri, Lisa Sunaryo Putri
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Clinical findings in determining referral criteria for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients at a makeshift isolation center of Bekasi, West Java Abstract  PDF
Stefi Geovani Valentin Hayon, Florentina Priscilia, Hariri -
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Prevention of weight gain during self-isolation in COVID-19 pandemic era: a narrative review Abstract  PDF
Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Relationship between understanding of COVID-19's infographics and the efforts to prevent COVID-19 transmission Abstract  PDF
Rahmat Bakhtiar, Hilda Hilda, Krispinus Duma, Riries Choiru Pramulia Yudia
Vol 5, No 2 (2022) Kakak tumbuh kembang (KUMBANG): Engaging medical students for screening and detecting growth and developmental delays in children Abstract  PDF
Zulfikar Ihyauddin, Reza Pandu Aji, Dwi Astuti Dharma Putri, Jeslyn Tengkawan, Ayu Anandhika Septisari
Vol 5, No 2 (2022) Evaluation of the implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control in the work area of Kalibaru Kulon health center Abstract  PDF
Novie Erva Fauziyah, Ayik Mirayanti Mandagi, Thinni Nurul Rochmah, Moh. Basri
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Special Issue of COVID-19 Early detection and primary prevention system in COVID-19 transmission to staff and residents in the department of obstetrics and gynecology Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Nurhadi Rahman, Detty Siti Nurdiati, Nuring Pangastuti, Anis Widyasari, Fauzan Achmad Maliki, Sarah Ayu Andari, Khairina Hashifah
Vol 5, No 1 (2022) Fourteen days struggling to deal with COVID-19 using Su Jok Therapy: A case report Abstract  PDF
Intansari Nurjannah
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 The development of GAMA Swab sampling chamber for walk-through sampling in patients with COVID-19 at Gadjah Mada Hospital Abstract  PDF
Hera Nirwati, Dwi Aris Agung Nugrahaningsih, Siswanto Siswanto, Mahatma Sotya Bawono, Titien Budhiaty, Setyawan Bekti Wibowo, Raden Sumiharto
Vol 5, No 1 (2022) The role of social media in optimizing the healthy lifestyle movement “GERMAS” during the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract  PDF
Fahmi Baiquni, Tri Siswati, Riadini Rachmawati, Herni Endah Widyawati, Ratri Kusuma Wardhani, Supriyati Supriyati
Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Special Issue of COVID-19 Impact of COVID-19 on primary care visits: lesson learnt from the early pandemic period Abstract  PDF
Sholahuddin Rhatomy, Thomas Edison Prasetyo
Vol 4, No 3 (2021) Community based intervention: Local village preparedness in prevention and control of COVID-19 Abstract  PDF
Muhamad Jauhar, Rasdiyanah Rasdiyanah, Lita Heni Kusumawardani, Utami Rachmawati, I Gusti Ayu Putu Desy Rohana
Vol 4, No 3 (2021) Effect of disaster preparedness training towards knowledge of COVID-19 among rural society in Banjararum Village, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Abstract  PDF
Sutono Sutono, Bayu Fandhi Achmad
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